Sunday, May 9, 2010

Toro Bravo: "Mess with the bull, get the hors d'oeuvres"

If you mess with THIS bull, you receive a surprise of deliciousness. Toro Bravo packs a punch in every bite, and oh what a mighty variety of little bites they have to offer. The menu continues with pages and pages of temptations and every kind of flavor combination you can imagine. One can be quite overwhelmed with the extensive list of dishes on the menu and even the list on the chalkboard boasting of the multitude of local farms and businesses that are sourced for this intimate, yet lively, restaurant on the Northeast side of Portland. The atmosphere is energetic and vibrant, providing the perfect place to gather with friends and share a bite. (Oh, and don't miss out on the cozy and intimate bar upstairs: Secret Society, a perfect place to discover old-timey cocktails while whispering in a candle-lit corner.)

This has quickly become our second favorite restaurant in Portland. We highly recommend the "French Kiss" if you like a bit of sweet and savory. This kiss consists of a brandy-soaked prune stuffed with foie gras. Actually, many of our favorites are sweet and savory combinations like the grilled bacon-wrapped dates with honey or a more subtle sweet within braised leeks with salbitxada.

If someone waves an invitation to Toro Bravo in front of our face, we will rush at them full force. It's that good. Don't wait. Eat there now.

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